January 17, 2012

January Pax-ing

It's Quiet at Casa de Pax.... too quiet.  

My neighbours are, no doubt, now sighing with happiness that the majority of my Apartment renovations are complete (for now that is - one day I will afford that Bathroom refit I swear).

Almost 10 months of work have resulted in a more live able space - one that is uniquely "Me" (and returned the apartment to pre-Ex-done renovation valuation - nice to be able to add at least $10K to the eventually resale price). 

Much of the work was D.I.Y - which resulted in a great deal of extra work done by my Dad that I did not foresee (he's a stubborn old dear - determined that it's better if he does things rather than risk me injuring myself.  I do so treasure him!)

Actually talking about my Dad - he's got some notion that now my renovations are almost complete - that I am at risk of an Emotional breakdown of some sort.  It's true that I may have initially used the "keep busy" factor to stave off dealing in part with the relationship breakup but eventually one (if you are a rational being that is) comes to terms that faults were on both sides and that Life should be embraced (regardless of how much a fool you feel for being a blind and giving idiot for X amount of years)

So yes... I've moved on - keeping my "Crazy Cat Lady" impulses to a minimum - and focusing on MY needs and wants for a change.  (oh if you are wondering - on the "wants" list. More penguins... you can't go wrong with Penguins.  But that's another post entirely :D)

I expect the anniversary of his leaving in February to pass - if not quietly (local friends - how about a Slap-up dinner in celebration?) then with few regrets that he's gone.  Oh and those wondering about Valentine's Day blues - ehh.. he never bothered really making me feel special even ON days designated as a World Wide celebration of love.

So yes... It's quiet here.  And I am enjoying it!

This post was brought to you by the letter P (for Penguins) and the Number 7


  1. So... slap up binge in February together with gifts of penguins in groups of 7.....

  2. Glad the rennovations are done. That can be quite a hassle.

  3. Glad things are calming down a bit :-)

  4. You need some ME time. And if you need a new project...there is always me. As in MF. LOL.

    Take some time out for you and enjoy. Hugs!

  5. Hugs Pax... sounds like the renovations went well and your place is all yours to enjoy :)
    Do something special for yourself in Feb... life should most definately be embraced (even if it does kick like a mule at times)

    I'm enjoying an amazing AZ sunset as I write...even the end of a day has beauty to behold...and tomorrow is a brand new day.

  6. Some days are harder than others. Our anniversary still gets to me.

    Janie Junebug
