July 25, 2013

Same old Same old

Well I had hoped to be able to dazzle you all with my employability but sadly I failed to make the final cut (making the interview list of 7 out of those 100+ applicants I can do... actually score the job - just can't nail it)

So rather than depress you all, let's have a sing-along


  1. Oh, I'm sorry Pax. I know how you feel. Had the same happen to me when I applied for an office job at the local PD. Made the top cuts and lost it to one person in the end. Frustrating, I know. I ran into a lady from the dept later that week... she told me it wasn't me, they had this person in mind and had to go through the process. ugh.
    Keep singing the ba ba ba na na song...so it doesn't make you bananas! huggs...

  2. The video won't play for me. It said ERROR. That's pretty much the story of my life. I'm sorry about the job. I think it's very common for places to be forced to go through the interview process when they've already decided who to hire.


  3. Dang, sorry to hear that Lady, thoughts and prayers continue that you will find something!

  4. Hang in there Pax, I know personally how frustrating that can be.
