September 19, 2011

Be Vwery Quiet...

Evil Pax and her minions are hunting a marine

Say your Pwayers, kiddo

... Ring Ring.... 
"Hello! This is the A.C.M.E supply shop - how can I help you?"
"Umm.. yes... I need the tools to capture an A1S marine"
"Hmm.. our look up guide describes those as VERY difficult to capture - would you prefer our "how to capture a Ravening Yeti" guide instead?"
"No... no... it really needs to be this one particularly pesky person"
"Well.. we *could* send you the 'Instant bear pit' kit [launches into jingle "One flip of the lever and he's no smarter than an average bear"]
"Ahh.. could you throw in one of those Handy-Dandy illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator's as well"?
"Certainly Miss - those come with a portable A.C.M.E medic station. Would you like to take out some A.C.M.E insurance too?"
"Now will that be cash or charge?"