April 15, 2012

Pax and the Renovations - almost done!

It's been some time since I bored you all with the status of my apartment renovations.  So let us have a "look see" at the current state of the Home of the Pax

Kitchen -  looking from lounge area (note - the kitchen and lounge are all one rectangular room - 1/2 of my apartment space)

Kitchen - pantry & fridge side

Lounge room - (same side as sink/dishwasher in kitchen) - you can see the new doors leading to the Balcony; and my mini computer zone

Lounge room (other side).  These bookcases hold only my DVD collection.  The Majority of my books are stored in the bedroom and hall bookcase.
At some point (when I have saved up a few more $$) I will be finishing the Splashback in the Kitchen; and hopefully getting some wooden "venetian style" window blinds to replace the not-quite-block-out blinds I have installed.  (oh and renovate the bathroom.. and paint the bedroom and hall and... never ending :D)

Never the less - I am most happy with how it has all turned out - and so thankful that my Dad is such a Handyman (he laid the tiles and helped me install the kitchen benches).  My home is now *MY* home once more - and I feel safe and content to be here.

And for any of my friends that wish to travel and visit.  I *will* be acquiring a comfy mattress for the floor so at least ONE of you will be comfortable.  However - Must be willing to be bossed about by my cat :)


  1. Ahhh, a girl after my own HOME RENOVATING heart. Working about the house can definitely be a never ending love affair, if you wish it to be. Talk about a love affair, that's one extensive collection of DVDs you have there. I think I have that sort of love affair with clothing, except my clothing collection isn't as nicely contained as is your DVD collection.

  2. Very nice. It's looks so clean and well organized.

