Just a quick all around update.
*Justin is (according to Soldiers' Angels) now home and safe. Glad he made it back safe & sound, sad that I never made a "connection" with him.
SA has over 1300 military persons waiting to adopt too. I'll need to have a good look at my finances to see if I can afford to go back to having four adoptees at one time before I say yes or no to a new one (SA will allow you to have up to three at a time, and my fourth is my MP adopted via a friend). The cost of weekly letters and a monthly parcel does start to mount up when added to the mortgage and other bills I have. But... then I think "there is someone out there putting their life on the line whilst I dither about at home, safe & sound"... definitely conflicted about it and feeling that I should do more.
*The Pink Pony of Pinkness arrived downrange and JJ's planning on an epic photo shoot with his buddies. Very happy it reached him so quickly :). He also received the Aussie Christmas wreath and tells me it is hanging in his work area.
*Must catch up with C & K and make sure they received their Santa stockings, and hopefully their Christmas wreaths. Must also check if they need extra warm things.
*I joined a new Soldiers' Angels group recently too. It's called "ePal" - it's a new program where you are assigned one person to exchange emails and chat with - no major expenditure is expected other than the time to make contact. My person is (I think) Airforce. Sadly I've not heard anything back from him yet so I'm hoping he's safe & well (and hopefully not too disappointed/weirded out that he's acquired an Australian Angel and not a home grown one).
*I have received three "please write back" notes from service members in the Cup Of Joe (Green Beans Coffee) program. Initial contact emails sent and hopefully I'll get the chance to make a few new friends from this.
In at home news - I visited with my mum & dad yesterday. Mum is battling against constant fatigue so we keep the visits short and full of the happy. Thursday she will hopefully find out the results of the last batch of tests she had - as to whether the cancer has entered her bone structure or not. She's remaining up-beat yet quietly organising things for a worst-case scenario.
Family Christmas this year will be packed with as much family love and time as possible - just in case.
And I had better run - need to be at work in an hour (no rest for the Pax - at least not for the next 3 days!)
Thanks for all that you do Pax.