April 18, 2012

The 6th Annual Milblog Awards

Voting has just opened for the 6th Annual Milbloggies - go HERE to vote (note - you need to log in to do this. You can use your facebook/google/et al. accounts to do this)

Some of my favourite Military Bloggers are nominated so I am very happy to Vote for them (however I will be failing at the "waving pom-poms and going Rah-Rah-Rah unless suitable bribery is offered)

If you should be looking for some inspiration on who is most definitely deserving, I would like to offer my humble opinion

Best U.S. Marine Corps Nominees - Castra Praetoria as #1; with The Sandgram and One Marine's View as Hot Seconds (sadly I can vote only once or all three would get a clicky). 

And yes yes.. I know that you are all muttering
"Total Marine fangirl"
and you would be RIGHT :D

Best U.S. Military Spouse Blog Nominations - The Kitchen Dispatch

Best U.S. Reporter Blog Nominations - Red Bull Rising - ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK! :)

Best U.S. Army Blog Nominations - Home from Iraq

There are still 6 other categories for me to vote on.  And I am going to spend the next few days reading the nominated blogs and deciding where my votes will go (and adding to my daily blog reading list I am sure!)

Hmm... I notice there is NO "Treat-bombed-with-yummy-musk-sticks" Blog category...  Now that's a shame - I'd have had a possible chance at being nominated for that one [oh... if they left off that pesky "Born in the U.S.A" requirement bit that is....]


  1. Nothing wrong with being a Marine fangirl. :D

  2. Good stuff! Tks for the recommendations, some of them I do not know. . .
